Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Feline Hunter of the Waters

This is the Fishing Cat.  Probably the most badass fisher of all kitties.  Like the Manual it's range is also Central Asia.  While most felines are wary of water it is well adapted to swimming and hunting in water. While it does eat rodents and other small terrestrial animals, it will sit at the edge of a bank and fish for its food like a bear does for salmon.  This is probably why modern day domestic cats developed their love of fish (probably not).  They are listed as a vulnerable species, like the manual for its fur, because of exploitation and conversion to agrarian land of it watery habitat.

And now what you really want:  pictures

 No these are not mine and I don't know how easy or hard they are to keep as pets.  But my 5 pound domestic kicks my ass all the time and these get up to 25 pounds.  So, while they are adorable be wary about trying to bring home home.

More info: Fishing Cat Wiki and Fishing Cat Facts (National Zoo)


  1. this is a good follow up post to the previous one

    I have a new post on GTL Everyday too :)

  2. Thanks for the comments on my blog :)

    I have new bubbles on Enhanced by MS Paint!

  3. Oh, wow! I can't wait to show my sister this. She loves cats, and I never had any idea that any are actually fishers. Cool pictures.

  4. If I have to die, I'd like to be mauled by tigers.

    Visit my page and tell me your thoughts on that.

  5. Awesome! Doesn't look like a good pet though...

  6. awesome! this thing would probably eat all the koi fish in my pond though

  7. CUTE!!! i love those pictures makes a good laugh LEEEE

  8. LoL the first picture I looked at I thought it was a salamander

  9. 25 pounds, one of those cats could beat my ass

  10. oh man, that cat would freak me out if i saw it swimming toward me

  11. sooo cute supporting!

  12. Would be so badass to have one of these, but I think it would eat my ewok when I'm not looking.

  13. How on Earth do I get one of these for my own?!?

  14. If I had a pet like this one i think it would have eaten up my little sister, because it is a bit bigger than her!

  15. My better half really wants one of these. I dunno about that though, they seem pretty hard to care for after they get big! +follow

  16. I would pay so much for one of those, I love cats so what's not to love about a really big one?

  17. I want one of those cats!

  18. Seems kinda contradictory, a cat.... that will go in the water by itself!

  19. Simultaneously cute and terrifying!
